Outreach and Extension

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Engaging with the community is a core component of research. This section of the website is under construction. Please be patient!

Recent Outreach and Extension Events

Why our research matters!

Michigan Indian Leadership Program


MSU Teaching Greenhouses, Miranda Haus and Grace Miller were guest lecturers for the MILP outreach day coordinated by Courtney Hollender!

Blueberry Replanting and Soil pH Mapping Workshop


Trevor Nichols Research Center, Invited speaker for discussing blueberry root architecture and health. Led by Josh VanderWeide.

“Pod to Process” Bush Brothers’ Science & Technology Community


MSU, Invited speaker to introduce general plant biology concepts to people representing each stage of the canning process. Led by Scott Bales.

What's Next?


Please feel free to contact us, especially if you'd like to talk to a plant biologist!